PSP 18th Perihelion Campaign Target Archive

Refer to PSP 18th Perihelion Campaign page.

Consensus Predictions

2023-12-26 (CSV, PDF table of coordinates)

Helioprojective PSP predicted footpoints: one footpoint per day plotted on the solar disk. Colored dots show predictions from a range of models. Gold squares show the consensus value for each day. Black contours show the full width half maximum for the Kent distribution ( fitted to each set of footpoints (Courtesy of Sam Badman).

Figure 1.

Heliographic Carrington footpoints of PSP: the same data as in Figure 1 but in Carrington coordinates (latitude-longitude). Gold squares show the consensus value for each day the footpoints are on disk. Black contours show the full width half maximum for the Kent distribution ( fitted to each set of footpoints. Also shown in this plot is the most recent GONG-ADAPT and HMI-ADAPT current sheet generated by the UCB model (red and blue respectively), and the datestamped PSP trajectory in carrington coordinates (black). The yellow dashed curve shows the solar limb with the black vertical line depicting L0. (Courtesy of Sam Badman; Combined SDO/AIA 193A  - STEREO/EUVI 195A synoptic map produced by David Stansby).

Figure 2.

Figures above show one footpoint per day plotted on the solar disk and in Carrington coordinates (click on figure to zoom and see caption).

The predicted footpoints were kindly provided by the PSP 18th Perihelion modeling team.

Encounter 18 Prediction update (1/3): 2023/12/26

This is the first footpoint prediction issued for Parker Solar Probe Encounter 18, reaching 11.4Rs at perihelion on 12/29. The spacecraft magnetic footpoints are currently situated on a coronal hole near the east limb but will rapidly sweep across almost the disk connecting to the active region bands before going over West limb just after perihelion on 12/29.

Connectivity starting today and lasting until the end of the day UT 12/27 is to a prominent equatorial coronal hole that can be seen here: and has persisted from the last corotation. The footpoints will initially corotate with this source before starting to move quickly prograde as 12/28 begins. From 12/28 onwards, the footpoints advance rapidly across disk, without clear coronal hole sources but instead mapping to first the southern then the northern active region band with the transition occuring around 12/29 0500 UT. Footpoints are predicted to rotate off the west limb around 1400UT on 12/29.

*** Please note that the "arrival time" and "emission time" and associated Tx/Ty coordinates for both are reported in the consensus CSV file. The attached plots show the "arrival time" (location of source at time that plasma will arrive at PSP). See for some discussion on these***.

2023-12-27 (CSV, PDF table of coordinates)

Helioprojective PSP predicted footpoints: one footpoint per day plotted on the solar disk. Colored dots show predictions from a range of models. Gold squares show the consensus value for each day. Black contours show the full width half maximum for the Kent distribution ( fitted to each set of footpoints (Courtesy of Sam Badman).

Figure 1.

Heliographic Carrington footpoints of PSP: the same data as in Figure 1 but in Carrington coordinates (latitude-longitude). Gold squares show the consensus value for each day the footpoints are on disk. Black contours show the full width half maximum for the Kent distribution ( fitted to each set of footpoints. Also shown in this plot is the most recent GONG-ADAPT and HMI-ADAPT current sheet generated by the UCB model (red and blue respectively), and the datestamped PSP trajectory in carrington coordinates (black). The yellow dashed curve shows the solar limb with the black vertical line depicting L0. (Courtesy of Sam Badman; Combined SDO/AIA 193A  - STEREO/EUVI 195A synoptic map produced by David Stansby).

Figure 2.

Figures above show one footpoint per day plotted on the solar disk and in Carrington coordinates (click on figure to zoom and see caption).

The predicted footpoints were kindly provided by the PSP 18th Perihelion modeling team.

Encounter 18 Prediction update (2/3): 2023/12/27

This is the second of three footpoint predictions issued for Parker Solar Probe Encounter 18, reaching 11.4Rs at perihelion on 12/29. The spacecraft magnetic footpoints remain situated on a coronal hole which is now moving towards disk center, but starting tomorrow will rapidly sweep across almost the remainder of disk connecting to the active region bands before going over West limb just after perihelion on 12/29.

Connectivity today until the end of today UT (12/27) remains on a prominent equatorial coronal hole that can be seen here : and has persisted from the last corotation. The footpoints will start to move quickly prograde starting early UT on 12/28. First, they will track along the western edge of the same coronal hole until around 1900UT on 12/28, before jumping to first the southern then the northern active region band with the latter transition occurring around 12/29 0200-0500 UT. Footpoints are predicted to rotate off the west limb around 1400UT on 12/29 with AR band connectivity just north of the equator.

  *** Please note that the "arrival time" and "emission time" and associated Tx/Ty coordinates for both are reported in the consensus CSV file. The attached plots show the "arrival time" (location of source at time that plasma will arrive at PSP). See for some discussion on these***.

2023-12-28 (CSV, PDF table of coordinates)

Helioprojective PSP predicted footpoints: one footpoint per day plotted on the solar disk. Colored dots show predictions from a range of models. Gold squares show the consensus value for each day. Black contours show the full width half maximum for the Kent distribution ( fitted to each set of footpoints (Courtesy of Sam Badman).

Figure 1.

Heliographic Carrington footpoints of PSP: the same data as in Figure 1 but in Carrington coordinates (latitude-longitude). Gold squares show the consensus value for each day the footpoints are on disk. Black contours show the full width half maximum for the Kent distribution ( fitted to each set of footpoints. Also shown in this plot is the most recent GONG-ADAPT and HMI-ADAPT current sheet generated by the UCB model (red and blue respectively), and the datestamped PSP trajectory in carrington coordinates (black). The yellow dashed curve shows the solar limb with the black vertical line depicting L0. (Courtesy of Sam Badman; Combined SDO/AIA 193A  - STEREO/EUVI 195A synoptic map produced by David Stansby).

Figure 2.

Figures above show one footpoint per day plotted on the solar disk and in Carrington coordinates (click on figure to zoom and see caption).

The predicted footpoints were kindly provided by the PSP 18th Perihelion modeling team.

Encounter 18 Prediction update (3/3): 2023/12/28

This is the final footpoint prediction issued for Parker Solar Probe Encounter 18 before its perihelion at 11.4Rs tomorrow (12/29). The spacecraft magnetic footpoints are today in motion along an equatorial coronal hole on disk center before sweeping across almost the remainder of disk connecting to the active region bands before going over West limb just after perihelion.

Connectivity today moves prograde and northward on the same prominent equatorial coronal hole on disk ( through 1500 UT today. For the rest of today and tomorrow, we continue to predict footpoints advancing rapidly across the active region bands but instead mapping to first the southern then the northern active region band with the transition occurring around 12/29 0300. Footpoints remain predicted to rotate off the west limb around 1400UT on 12/29.

*** Please note that the "arrival time" and "emission time" and associated Tx/Ty coordinates for both are reported in the consensus CSV file. The attached plots show the "arrival time" (location of source at time that plasma will arrive at PSP). See for some discussion on these***.

The consensus CSV/PDF file contains the following columns:

Date and arrival time of plasma parcel at PSP, consensus carrington longitude (deg), latitude (deg), error in longitude, error in latitude, on-disk position of predicted source in X and Y (arcseconds) at arrival time, date and emission time of plasma parcel at the source, on-disk position of predicted source at time parcel is emitted. Each row is the updated source location each hour.

The consensus is generated by forming a distribution of footpoint predictions from all modelers for each hour period, and attempting to fit a Kent distribution. If the fitting fails, the median in longitude and latitude are quoted. If the fitting is successful, the quoted errors are formed by drawing random samples from the fitted distribution and computing the standard deviation in longitude and latitude of those samples. If the fitting fails, the quoted errors are the standard deviation in the longitude and latitude from the raw distribution of predictions. The full shape of the distribution is described by black contours in the associated plots on this website. More details about the procedure can be found at the following preprint of Badman et al. (2023) "Prediction and Verification of Parker Solar Probe Solar Wind Sources at 13.3Rs"

Please note the carrington coordinates (lon,lat) are valid from the quoted timestamp (in UTC) until the next timestamp. The helioprojective coordinates quoted (HP-Tx, HP-Ty) are computed from the carrington coordinate at the quoted timestamp (e.g. midnight UTC each day) and so are valid instantaneously at this time but will corotate with the Sun until the next quoted timestamp. For a discussion of the subtle difference in emission and arrival time and why both are included please see the slide deck.


Individual model prediction tables of coordinates may be found in a Public DropBox. Files in the Public DropBox have three-letter identifiers indicating the associated model (see below).